This article shows you how to reset the service reminder A or B on your Mercedes-Benz B-Class model year 2011 and after.
Applicable to:
Years: 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016,2017
Chassis: W246 |
Instructions on how to Reset Service Reminder on Mercedes-Benz B-Class
1. Insert key in position “1”
2. Make sure that menu displays kilometers or miles
3. Push the phone button and hold it and the OK button simultaneously down for 5 seconds
4. Menu will display “vehicle data”, “roller test”, “pad rep.” and “assyst plus”, choose to assyst plus.
5. Menu will display “service data” and “full service”, choose full service.
6. Scroll down and choose “conf.full service”
7. Menu will ask if service has been carried out.
Note: In some cases, the system would not allow you to confirm, however, the message will stop displaying when you restarted the car.
These instructions are courtesy of Mercedes Medic Community member Elvar.21
Reset Service Reminder A / B on Mercedes B-Class